Welcome to the Hardee Senior High School Guidance Homepage! Our goal is to serve our students while promoting academic achievement, career development, and personal and social growth. Our counselors are dedicated to each student and strive to provide a positive and successful school atmosphere through collaborating with parents, teachers, students, staff and administration. It is our desire that each student will develop a relationship with their counselor in an effort to maximize resources to ensure educational success.
Guidance Staff
Freshman, Sophomore, Juniors and Seniors with last name beginning with letters A-GO:
Leigh Hays | (863) 773-3181 ext.2441 | Email:
Freshman, Sophomore, Juniors and Seniors with last name beginning with letters GR-PA:
Jackie Dean (863) 773-3181 ext.2440 | Email:
Freshman, Sophomore, Juniors and Seniors with last name beginning with letters PE-Z:
Stacie Harpe 863-773-3181 ext. 2439 Email:
Data Clerk:
Bunny Faulkner | (863) 773-3181 ext. 2442 | Email:
Guidance Secretary:
Doleen Fields | (863) 773-3181 ext. 2428| Email:
Meeting with the Counselors
In an effort to maintain open lines of communication and ensure the opportunity for students and parents to meet with our counselors we have established the following procedures:
Students - Sign up in counselors binder in the Guidance office and you will be called to the office for a conference.
Parents - Contact the office at (863) 773-3181 ext. 2428 to setup a time to meet with your child's counselor. Counselors are also accessible via email and phone.